
インドでよみがえる、京都の美の秘密 「Junko Sophieの秘伝京都」番外編  l Junko Sophie’s Hidden Kyoto

インドでよみがえる、京都の美の秘密 「Junko Sophieの秘伝京都」番外編 l Junko Sophie’s Hidden Kyoto


さまざまな美の発見と、日本文化の奥座敷への探求、京都で暮らす女性としての新しい視点を。/The city's beauty, and the new perspectives I have developed as a woman living here. /我將每個月與大家分享這座城市各種美的發現,以及我作為一個女人生活在京都的新視角。


◆インド・ムンバイからのメッセージ │
A Message From Mumbai, India

Aishwariya dressed in a sari.

それは、古代の美の習慣をよみがえらせる使命感にかられているという、アイシュワリヤ・サワルナ・ニールさんという女性から。『Global Beauty Secrets』というオーガニックケアブランドを立ち上げた彼女は、私を多文化の美の秘密と「ならわし」を探求する旅へといざないました。

About a year ago, as the sun began dipping into a gentle dusk, I received a message from India.
It was from a woman named Aishwarya Sawarna Nir, who was driven by the mission to recreate and revive ancient beauty rituals from around the world. She started her brand called Global Beauty Secrets. This was the beginning of our adventurous and exciting journey of seeking authentic global beauty secrets and rituals.

◆きものとサリーの結びつき │
The Connection Between Kimono and Sari

Weaves and patterns from India in my grandmother’s Kimono chest.


India has always been a country of inspiration for me. The many cultures of the subcontinent have a long and rich history. India is a melting pot of global cultures. India and Japan have a long history of cultural exchange; from religion, fabrics, patterns, weaving styles, to food all aspects of Japanese lifestyle bear a sound imprint and influence on Indian culture.

©️everett kennedy brown
Kimono woven with a chintz pattern from India.


Quite similar to the Japanese Kimono culture, the Indian costume and draping style expresses itself in various ways. From saree, to lehenga to sharara to ghagra choli, Indian culture has several traditional draping styles fashioned out of beautiful fabrics.

Aishwarya and her mother in an Indian Lehenga

◆国宝の古文書に記された「美の処方箋」 │
“Recipe For Beauty” in an Ancient Text, a National Treasure



When Aishwarya proposed to me to collaborate, I felt it was destined to happen.

I say this because when she reached out to me, I was deeply involved in studying Japan’s oldest medical text, Ishinho. It is a treatise on physical and spiritual health that consists of 30 volumes. One volume is devoted entirely to beauty. I couldn’t help but conclude that beauty was considered to be part of medicine and wellness.


In reading the treatise on beauty I found a vast number of beauty treatments, which were surprising, and for me a new discovery! I discovered many authentic references for beauty aids which have been forgotten in modern times. I also found traditional beauty treatments that have remained unchanged for over a thousand years.


◆親子三代、受けつぐ海外からの秘伝 │
A Secret From Abroad, Handed Down From Generation to Generation

@everett kennedy brown


As I travel the world, I have a “to do list” for each new country I visit. This includes visiting museums, getting local teas and spices, seeking out local perfumes and incense, discovering unique folk costumes and crafts, and trying out traditional beauty rituals taught by local women.

Traditional silversmithing in Chaouen, Morocco
At the Perfumery in Budapest
In a Taiwanese herbal food shop
A shop in Marrakech, Morocco, where traditional crafts are given a modern twist


This is something that my grandmother and mother enjoyed every time they went abroad, and a lot of this information has been passed on to my family as wisdom.

◆文化と美と心は、渾然一体に │
Culture, Beauty and the Spirit Are All in One


Aishwarya and I have been keenly pursuing and exploring the close connection between beauty traditions linked to joy, self-discovery and culture in the region. I realised we share the same love and sense of mission for beauty and aesthetics. In times of pandemic, even though we are a part of our respective cultures, miles and an ocean apart, we ended up exchanging our cultural anecdotes, and traditional beauty wisdom through online communication.

Junko’s photo ©️everett kennedy brown


I shared knowledge beyond the science of cosmetology, and addressed a wider narrative – A Japanese way of life through my personal journey, from being a master of Ikebana, tea ceremony to an expert of Kimono culture.

子どものころから、折にふれ、祖母と母から言われていた言葉がございます。「人の心が最高のかたちで現れたものが”美しさ”なのよ。美しいものには精神性が宿るから。それは強調されるものではなく、あふれ出るもの。時間を積み重ね、はぐくむことで、 磨かれ、より深くなる美があることをいつも心にとめておいてね。」と。

Since I was a child, my grandmother and my mother have told me- “Beauty is the highest expression of the human spirit. What is beautiful has spirituality in it. It is not something to be emphasised, but something that overflows. You always keep that in mind that it becomes refined and deeper with time and cultivation”.

◆インドでよみがえる、京都の美の秘密 │
Kyoto Beauty Secrets Recreated and Revived in India


How do we represent the legacy and traditional Japanese culture that has been carried down from generation after generation…? We have tried to be as authentic as possible in order to bring the stories to life.


アイシュワリヤさんは、日本の昔ながらの工芸品や原材料にも感化され、『医心方』にもとづいたレシピも取り入れました。世界最古の伝統医学・アーユルヴェーダの国インドは、昔からオーガニックスキンケアの先進国であり、宝庫です。私たちは、日本とインドから最高のものを調達することに。受け伝えてきたことを大切にしながらも、この瞬間をいつくしむために『Kyoto Beauty Secrets』シリーズを誕生させました。

Aishwarya was inspired by the traditional Japanese culture and ingredients, and wanted to adopt recipes based on Ishinho.

India, the land of Ayurveda, which is the world’s oldest traditional medicine, has long been a leading country and treasure trove of organic skincare. We have recreated offerings by sourcing the very best from Japan and India through the “Kyoto Beauty Secrets” range. To help you cherish the moment, while respecting the wisdom of traditions that have been handed down.

◆インド女性の心をとらえた、きものパフ │
Kimono Puffs Capture the Hearts of Indian Women



My grandmother told me that she used to cut up a silk Kimono that had been returned to its original form and rub it on her face and body. When I tried it, my skin felt as smooth as silk, which explains why the Geisha used it so much.


When a Kimono is worn out, it can be remade into many different things and used in new ways. This is the spirit that Japanese people have inherited from their ancestors, who cherish things and use them for a long time. This was the inspiration for the “Tsukihime Silk Puff.”


I collected Kimonos, their silk rolls, in Nishijin district in Kyoto where the best Kimonos are produced. Also, I along with some Kimonos that I no longer wear myself. Then I sent them to India. The puff is in the shape of a full moon to enhance the senses of the user. The name Tsukihime means Princess of the Moon.


◆祖母のたしなみ箱の思い出を、インドのみなさまに │
Memories of My Grandmother’s Ritual Box for the People of India

The TASHINAMI Box, a gift for influencers in India.


I remember as a child, I used to love to open my grandmother’s ritual box. She would open it, comb her hair with a bowood comb in camellia oil till it shimmered like silk in the moonlight. And she put on safflower lipstick. I felt like a lady as I imitated my grandmother, while dressing myself.

◆ココ・シャネルも愛した、日本女性をイメージさせる花 │
Coco CHANEL’s Favourite Camelia Flower also Representative of Japanese Women

The camellias in Paris are also beautiful…


Camellia oil has been used in Japan for over a thousand years in a variety of folk remedies, and in the Heian era (794-1185) it was so valuable that it was offered as a tax. Camellia oil was essential for long hair and fine skin of noble women during the Heian era.


We have recreated the Tsubaki Blend Oil based on camellia oil, popular for more than a thousand years.

Tsubaki Bend Oilと着物
@everett kennedy brown

◆シルクロードを渡ってきた花 │
Flowers That Have Crossed the Silk Road



The red pigment of safflower has been used since ancient times not only as a dye for Kimonos, but also for paints, elixirs, cosmetics and as a symbol of protection against evil. In the Heian era, garments dyed with safflower were a special colour worn only by high ranking aristocrats. The oil of safflower is mentioned in the oldest medical book in Japan, Ishinho, as an ingredient in medicinal herbs, and we have recreated it as “Beni Lip Balm.”

Kimono dyed with safflower, inherited from my grandmother
Beni balmを塗る潤子
@everett kennedy brown

◆すべてのインスピレーションは、いにしえからの知恵 │
Inspired by Ancient Wisdom

Tsubaki blend oil


The packaging is inspired by popular illustrations in the Heian era, and Origami. Origami, a one-dimensional plane becoming a three-dimensional object, is the core of Japanese culture, the same as Kimono. And all our products are accompanied by my calligraphy.

@everett kennedy brown
Calligraphy trial writing

◆「たしなみ」とは │
What is “Tashi-nami”?

私たちは 『Kyoto Beauty Secrets』をつくりあげるプロセスで、人生や日々の暮らしにおける意義深い真実に遭遇いたしました。このことは図らずも、共著『TASHINAMI: 9 Mindful Japanese Rituals to Feel Beautiful Inside Out(たしなみ:心身ともに美しくなるための、日本の9つの心得)』というハンドブックを製作するいしずえとなりました。

In the process of creating “Kyoto Beauty Secrets”, we stumbled upon some key truths to life and living. This inspired us to co-author a handbook called “TASHI-NAMI: 9 Mindful Japanese Rituals to Feel Beautiful Inside Out”.

©️everett kennedy brown


Tashi-nami is an important word for Japanese people. It refers to the gentle heartfelt care we take to bring beauty and peace into our daily life. “ -Foreword by Junko from the book “TASHI-NAMI


本には、各章ごとに福田季生さんがすばらしい日本画をご提供くださり、『VOGUE India』 などに寄稿する著名な美容ライターのアパルナ・グプタさんが優れた編集を行いました。

Kiharu Fukuda provided her wonderful Nihon-ga paintings, and Aparna Gupta, a renowned beauty writer who contributes to Vogue India, helped us edit the manuscript. Everett Kennedy Brown’s beautiful photographs made the book a one of a kind.

◆それぞれの文化的遺産をもつ、女性たちの旅 │
A Journey of Women, Each With Her Own Cultural Heritage


『Kyoto Beauty Secrets』シリーズや『TAHINAMI』の本を作り上げていくのにあたり、関わった、そのほとんどが女性でした。

Most of the people involved in this creation of the “Kyoto Beauty Secrets” range and the TASHI-NAMI book were women.


Aishwarya told me that she wants to revive the heartfelt beauty rituals of women of different cultural heritage. Her dream is for women to whisper their beauty traditions to each other, to draw them closer to each other despite being culturally distant. This collaboration was truly a journey of women gathering together to share their culture and collective wisdom.

A gift from Aishwarya, a silk dupatta, worn over the blouses and kameez. The light blue pattern looks like a pattern that was brought to Japan across the Silk Road in ancient times!
©️everett kennedy brown
©️everett kennedy brown
©️everett kennedy brown
©️everett kennedy brown

◆文化の水脈は「新しい伝統」をつくる力に │
Cultural Water Veins Are a Force for ‘New Traditions’

Aishwarya & Junko/ 文化の水脈
Junko’s photo ©️everett kennedy brown


The cultural waters that flow from the continent may have gone underground for a while, but they can always be dug up and revived. At the same time, in this day and age, they are flowing back to the continent in a strong current. The deep cultural vein that runs through my veins has given me the strength to recreate and revive the ancient Japanese beauty regime in my own way and introduce it to India.

このコラボレーションは『VOGUE India』や、『India Today』など多くの著名なプレスで特集記事が組まれております。文化的な意味合いに加え、日本人女性として、インドのスキンケアブランドと共同開発できましたことは、世界的な「J-Beauty」(Japanese Beauty)ブームのなかでとてもうれしく、光栄に思っております。

Our collaboration has been featured in “VOGUE India”, “India Today”, and many other prominent press. We have been delighted with the response we have received in India.
Besides our cultural collaboration, as a Japanese woman to be able to collaborate with an Indian cosmetic care brand, and with the global “J-Beauty” (Japanese Beauty) boom, I am very happy and honored.



It is interesting to look into the past and the future from a foreign and a timeless perspective, and we are creating ”new traditions” every day.

©️everett kennedy brown

共著『TASHINAMI: 9 Mindful Japanese Rituals to Feel Beautiful Inside Out (English Edition)』初版本の限定100部は完売いたしました。電子書籍は、Amazon Kindleでご覧いただけますと幸いです。

A limited number of 100 hard copies have been sold out. A Kindle edition is now available.


©️everett kennedy brown

『Kyoto Beauty Secrets by Junko Sophie』シリーズは、インド、アメリカ、シンガポールでの限定販売となります。

The “Kyoto Beauty Secrets by Junko Sophie” range is available exclusively in India through luxury retail outlets of Taj Khazana in Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Goa, along with GBS’s own website – www.discovergbs.com

『Kyoto Beauty Secrets』シリーズ








