
涼をとるしかけ 「Junko Sophieの秘伝京都」vol.4 │ “Junko Sophie’s Hidden Kyoto” │ 「潤子索菲的私密京都」

涼をとるしかけ 「Junko Sophieの秘伝京都」vol.4 │ “Junko Sophie’s Hidden Kyoto” │ 「潤子索菲的私密京都」


さまざまな美の発見と日本文化の奥座敷への探求、京都で暮らす女性としての新しい視点。今回は、華麗なる納涼文化にまで到達した、京都人の”涼をとるしかけ”について。暑さをやり過ごす知恵とは? 日本語・英語・中国語、三か国語にてお読みいただけます。

「陰翳礼讃」と、涼をとるしかけ /
In Praise of Shadows” and the daily wisdom of cooling down. /

©everett kennedy brown


The summers in Kyoto are usually hot and humid, and the people of Kyoto have found ways to feel coolness with the five senses and enjoy the summer season. In fact, this wisdom of overcoming summer heat has developed into an integral part of Kyoto culture.

夏天的京都通常是炎熱潮濕,為了克服酷暑,京都人找到用五感來體會涼意並享受夏季的方法。 如何克服夏季炎熱的智慧已經發展成為一種“京都文化”。

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こういった「建具替え」 で、一気に季節がすすむのです。

When I lived at Moon Heart temple, the summer season began in a dramatic way with major changes to the interior of the temple’s villa. We started by removing the Fusuma and Shoji, the winter sliding doors and screens and replaced them with summer sliding doors, called Ashido and a bamboo partition called Misu. These allowed the air to better circulate between the rooms and softened the outside sunlight to make the villa cooler.

On the Tatami mat floors, we rolled out traditional rattan carpets called Ajiro, which are surprisingly cool to lay down on on a summer afternoon. Outside the windows we hung a kind of bamboo awning called Sudare to shade the interior from the afternoon sun. After we changed these interior fittings from winter summer style, my mood quickly changed to better enjoy the delights of summer.


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One of the pleasures of summer I find is gazing at the play of soft shadows on the bamboo of the sliding doors that catch the sunlight coming in from the garden. I like to sit in the cool shadows of the interior and watch how the wind blows gently, causing the shadows of bamboo in the garden to dance left and right, from dark to light, against the bamboo doors. Watching this as the cicada cry in the garden is one of the poetic delights of a Kyoto summer.

我發現夏天的樂趣之一是凝視「葦戸」推拉門上柔和的影子,這些影子可以捕捉到從花園裡射進來的陽光。 我喜歡坐在室內涼爽的角落裡,在逆光下看著竹簾被風撫過,映在室內輕輕左右舞動的竹簾光影。在這同時可以聽著蟬鳴與觀賞庭園,是京都夏日的詩意樂趣之一。


Appreciating the beauty found in the play of shadows on a late summer afternoon, glittering water mirage, especially as the lingering afterglow of sunlight slowly fades away on the bamboo sliding doors, brings me “a feeling of the beauty of coolness.” This experience goes beyond aesthetic appreciation and speaks to something more fundamental, I feel, in my soul.




Such experiences remind me of the words by Junichiro Tanizaki in his classic book, “In Praise of Shadows*”, where he says that “the true beauty of Japan is that beauty that is brought to life by the interplay of shadows and darkness.”

這樣的經驗讓我想起谷崎潤一郎在他的經典著作『陰翳禮讃』 (影之讚頌) 中的話,他說 “日本真正美的存在,是在於陰影與黑暗的相互作用所產生的美”。


*”In Praise of Shadows” is one of Tanizaki‘s greatest literary works, and one of my favorite books. His essays in this book inspire me to more deeply appreciate the traditional Japanese sense of beauty. I become more attuned to how my life is at one with nature through appreciating the play of light and shadows.


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In the summer months there are many little things in daily life in Kyoto to appreciate. I particularly enjoy the wind chimes, with their strips of paper that dangle below in the wind. These traditional wind chimes make me aware of the gentle breezes outside my window. They also have the mysterious power to awaken memories of summer’s past. When I hear their “chirin-chirin” sound from the verandah where I have my writing space, the sound refreshes me even on the hottest days.

不僅是京都,在日本的傳統生活中,夏季的幾個月裡也有很多享受夏天的小創意。 其中,我特別喜歡風鈴,隨著風鈴垂掛的紙條在風中搖曳時會讓我感受到窗外的微風,它們似乎也具有一種喚醒夏天過往回憶的神秘力量。 當我在書房寫作時聽到簷廊響起“叮叮噹當”的風鈴聲時,無論天氣多熱,這種聲音都讓人覺得神清氣爽。


In summer, green tea is the best choice because it removes heat from the body.


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夏の朝ぼらけの夢 /
Dream of dawn in summer /

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京都の自然が豊かなこちらの住まいは山の斜面にあり、季節の微妙なうつろいを味わえる贅沢がございます。 鳥のさえずりや秋の虫たちの音楽は、四季折々の楽しみ。夏の盛りには、みいんみいん…と暑くるしい蝉時雨(せみしぐれ)が、幾つも重なりさんざめいております。

My present home on the eastern foothills of Kyoto is close to nature. My garden is on the slope of a mountain called Northern Flower and it constantly reminds me of the subtle changes of the seasons, especially in the summer months when I can enjoy the sound of chirping birds, cicadas and the arrival of autumn insects. By mid summer the many cicadas start buzzing “Miin Miin…” in the trees and when the cicada’s sound suddenly changes to “Tsukutsukuboshi…,” I know that autumn is approaching.

我住在京都東邊山科北花的山坡上,有豐富的自然環境,花園四季皆宜,可以時時讓人感受到微妙的季節變化。 鳥語花香,秋蟲鳴樂,仲夏一陣驟雨傾盆後,許多蟬開始在樹上鳴叫“鳴鳴鳴Miin Miin……”,但是,當蟬的鳴叫聲音突然轉成“吱枯吱枯波西Tsukutsukuboshi……”時,我知道,秋天就要來了。

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In the dim pre dawn light of an August morning, I am often awakened by the sound of Higurashi, a kind of cicada that is active in the early morning and evening. When I gaze into the garden at this time of the morning, the garden is bathed in a pale purple light that makes everything look like it is peppered in snow. Listening to the melancholy chorus of the Higurashi reminds me of autumn’s approach and the purple snow flecked glow in the garden inspires a feeling of coolness.




I go to sleep early each night looking forward to starting each new day listening to the magical cry of the Higurashi cicada and gazing at this exquisitely beautiful phantom scene. It is a gift that can only be experienced in the early mornings of summer. This early dawn experience feels like the sequel of a dream. It alters my sense of reality in a way that reminds me of the deeply enchanting poetry of Sei Shonagon, the Heian Era poet whose words transports me back to a Kyoto of a thousand years ago.

我每晚早睡,期待新的一天開始時可以聆聽到「日暮蟬」神奇的叫聲,並凝視早晨那精彩絕倫的幻景。 這是一份只有在夏日清晨才能體驗到的禮物。 這種清晨的朦朧感覺就像是夢的延續,它以某種方式讓我脫離了現實,似乎像是被平安時代女詩人清少納言迷人的詩歌所深深吸引,引領我回遊了一千年前的京都。

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たくさんの工夫をほどこしながら暑気を払いごきげんに過ごしているうちに、野には 秋の七草(※)が顔をだして。夕風のそよそよと吹きたつころには、 早秋の気分が胸にかよってまいります。

After the Kyoto bonfires of the five mountains in mid August, called Gozan Okuribi,* I begin to feel the end of summer approaching and notice how the autumn breeze begins to blow through my kimono sleeves and against my skin. These experiences heighten my mood, and as the seven autumn grasses* begin to grow tall in the fields, I begin to bid farewell to the lingering heat of summer. Day by day the evening breeze blows softly with a growing coolness and fills my heart with the thoughts of early autumn.

八月中旬, 當京都盂蘭盆節的“五山送火*”的篝火祭典結束時,夏天將已近尾聲,秋風會從和服的袖子裡輕撫吹過。這些經歷讓我心情興奮著,在努力消暑的同時,秋之七草* 也悄悄的在田野中開始長高了。一天天晚風徐徐吹來,漸漸感到涼意,心中不由出現了初秋的意念。當開始告別夏日的炎熱時,也是迎來初秋的時候了。


*”Gozan no Okuribi” ceremony is held on August 16th. The five sacred kanji characters are lit on five mountains on the periphery of the city. It is the time of Obon, the buddhist festival, when our ancestors return to our homes for three days and are then sent to the other world with the lighting of the fires.

*盂蘭盆節是佛教節日,在夏季恭迎、供養自己祖先靈魂的習慣。在祖先或亡者回到這片土地上的期間就叫做「盂蘭盆節」;“五山送火”儀式於每年 8 月 16 日舉行,圍繞著京都的五座山上,以焚火送走祖先亡靈,用火點亮了『大文字』『妙法』『船形』『左大文字』『鳥居形』的形狀,也就是祖先回到家園三天後,隨著火的點燃被護送回到另一個世界。


*The seven autumn herbs are Patrinia scabiosaefolia, Japanese pampas grass, bellflower, pink, thoroughwort, kudzu,and bushclover. These are the first plants to signal the arrival of autumn since the Heian period. They begin to bloom when the heat is still harsh, letting us know that the coolness of autumn is just around the corner.


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Enjoying watermelon on the veranda is like going back in time to my childhood summer vacation.


今回訪ねた場所 /
Some of My Favorite Places /

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『源氏物語』や『平家物語』に描かれた雅な風景に心奪われ、 保津川のゆったりした流れとともに心癒されるひとときです。


The scenery of Sagano has been loved since ancient times of the Heian era. The elegant scenery depicted in “The Tale of Genji” and “The Tale of the Heike” always captivates me, and the gentle flow of the Hozu River soothes my eyes and other senses.

Since the Heian era, Arashiyama has been a favorite vacation spot for many noblemen due to its scenic beauty. I have several Taiwanese friends who are attracted to this area and have their second homes here. Even in the old days, Arashiyama must have been a place of inspiring scenery.

嵯峨野的風景自平安時代以來就受到人們的喜愛, 如「源氏物語」和「平家物語」中所描繪嵯峨野的優雅風景就很吸引人,注視緩慢而溫柔流動的保津川總也能療慰人們的心靈。
自平安時代以來,嵐山風景秀麗,一直是許多貴族出遊和興建渡假別墅的地方。 我有幾個台灣的朋友也都被這個地區所吸引,並在這裡擁有他們的第二個家(或京都的家)。自古,優美的嵐山就一直是個觸動人心的地方。


In the morning mist, the lotus pond in front of the Mikami Shrine, the only shrine for “hair” in Japan, was in full bloom.


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©everett kennedy brown


The occasional swaying of the lotus is due to the presence of carp swimming in the pond. The golden stamens in the middle of the flowers gave off an inexplicable fragrance that filled the air.
It was like a paradise.



When I take a leisurely walk here, a path of Bamboo, I feel the atmosphere of the Heian era. Especially in the summer, I can feel the coolness of the breeze as the bamboos sway and squeak. The sound of the bamboos echoing out of nowhere I find is very pleasant.

在這裡悠閒地漫步在竹林小徑,讓人感受到平安時代的情趣。 尤其是夏天,竹林隨風搖擺而吱吱作響,發出的迴盪聲音很悅耳,也可以感受到微風的清涼。

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©everett kennedy brown


Gio-ji Temple, known as the nunnery of the tragic love story in “The Tale of the Heike,” is a place of quiet sadness.



The beauty of the moss is like crushed and scattered jade.


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The name Togetsukyo means “bridge of the wandering moon,” which sounds very elegant. The name was given by Emperor Kameyama, who said, “It looks like the moon is crossing the bridge.


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I am impressed by the beauty of the summer furnishings at Gensou-an, a traditional merchant house located in the center of Kyoto. The traditional machiya house has been used by Hirotatsumugi, a kimono merchant with over 130 years of history. Hirotatsumugi developed as a kimono cloth wholesaler of Yuki tsumugi, which is Japan’s highest quality handwoven silk kimono cloth.


装いについて /
My Choice of Kimono of the Day /


Sen no Rikyu said, “In summer, it is a time to be cool.” This means making the most of the season, and savoring its special qualities. Not only the furnishings of a Japanese home, but the kimono is a treasure trove of wisdom from our ancestors that offer us ways to enjoy the summer months.



On an extremely hot day, I will select a Kimono and Obi sash for midsummer. The pampas grasses of the seven autumn grasses suggest autumn, and are drawn along with wave patterns that remind us of cooling water. These colors and patterns of the Kimono show the ingenuity of Japanese people to inspire the imagination to endure the summer heat.

酷暑難耐時,我為盛夏選擇的和服圖紋是七種秋草中的芒草,暗示著秋天涼意; 腰帶是讓人聯想到清涼水的波浪圖案。這些圖紋和色彩說明了日本人如何巧妙地運用想像力來抗禦炎夏。

The bamboo basket bag made by Beppu bamboo craft is mentioned in the “Nihon Shoki*” and the white shell ring from my grandmother give my hands a cooler appearance.
這在「日本書紀」* 中也紀錄過,是由“別府細竹工藝“所製做的竹籃袋,再配上外婆喜歡的白色貝殼戒指,讓我的手看起來覺得凉爽。
*Sometimes translated as The Chronicles of Japan. The second-oldest book of classical Japanese history.
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This Kanzashi hairpin made of water buffalo horn is hand-carved in the shape of lilies and is suitable for summer. Whenever I see lilies, I am reminded of “The First Night” in Soseki Natsume‘s novel “Ten Dreaming Nights”. I really admired this fantastic and well written story and this hairpin always takes me to that beautiful world.




At Gensoan, I wore a Kimono with bellflowers, one of the seven autumn herbs, and an Obi sash with a flowing water pattern. I enjoyed the color match with the watermelon!



The bellflower frosted hairpin and a fan of Kondaya Genbei to feel a sense of coolness.

戴上磨砂玻璃的桔梗髮夾,拿著譽田屋源兵衛 (自室町時代已有280年歷史的京都和服老店) 的扇子倍感涼爽。

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I remember when I was a child and would say, “It’s hot, too hot…” My grandmother and mother would often tell me: “Focus your mind and heart and you will find that even fire can be cooling*” At the time it was very difficult for me to understand what they were telling me.



*When you reach a state of centered awareness, even fire can feel cool. This Buddhist teaching reminds us that any pain can be overcome depending on how we adjust our mind.

*當我們修行達到當下無念、無想、無為的這種念心的狀態時,即使是火當前也可以感到涼爽。 這是佛法的教誨,修行就能找到一條大路,任何痛苦都可以得到解脫,這取決於我們如何調整我們的心智。有如中國成語「心靜自然涼」。

©everett kennedy brown


Since I started wearing kimono, I have come to slowly understand the meaning of what my grandmother and mother were saying. When I wear a kimono and straighten my back, I can notice that the feeling of heat actually goes away! My mother and grandmother’s words of wisdom have now
become my magical charm and help me to keep my composure in most situations.

自從我開始穿和服,我就慢慢體悟了祖母和母親話裡的含義。 當我穿上和服挺直背部時,我會發現熱感消失了! 我母親和祖母的智慧語彙現在已經成為我神奇的護身符,幫助我在大多數情況下從容應對。

今回の湿板光画 /
The Wet Plate Collodion of This Time /

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Japanese culture is deeply influenced by feelings and perceptions of nature. The ability to appreciate beauty brings us closer to nature. The wisdom of Kyoto people to overcome the heat has developed into a splendid art and culture of cooling down.

日本文化深受大自然的啟發。 當我們接近大自然的時候就更可感覺到“美”。京都人克服酷暑的智慧,已經形成了一種超乎尋常的納涼文化。

おいしい京都 /
Introducing Junko Sophie ’s Delicious Kyoto /


When summer comes to Kyoto, it is the season to enjoy Hamo, a pike conger fish.


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The sliced fish that has had its bones removed opens like a flower, and the red color of the plum sauce often served with it stimulates the appetite. A slice of Hamo floating in the soup presented in a black bowl reminds me of the white peony flower. When I eat this summer delicacy, the subtly elegant flavor explodes in my mouth.

去骨的鱧魚片像花開一樣,搭配著紅色梅子醬,讓人食慾大開。 黑色漆碗裡的湯裡置放著一片花切鱧魚片,讓我聯想到白牡丹花。 當我吃到這道夏日佳餚時,那微妙的優雅味道讓我齒頰生香 。


The Noryodoko, a raised platform on the bank of Kifune river or Kamogawa river, is open from May to September. One of the great pleasures of summer is to sit on the cool and refreshing raised platform on the river and enjoy the taste of Hamo fish.


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